Infinity Sea Turtle Lockets |
Perfume or Photo Carrier? |
So my beetle (old pipe reference) has indeed turned into a herculean task, so I'm taking a break by revisiting earlier projects. I'm still not satisfied with the Trojan Turtle's design in terms of sturdiness, however it has provided exciting design tangents. A turtle dragon has been a fun experiment that may lead to a larger version. Ultimately these experiments are revealing the resin's potentials and limitations. However, I still feel as if I'm observing fragments of deliberate design amongst a hot mess, glimpses here and there, as if I'm clumsily combining components because they are shiny. It's still quite early, so I am just naive enough to believe these concerted efforts will reveal all of the "fill-in-the-gaps to keep it moving" - motivated design decisions.
Shine on your crazy diamonds. Shine on.